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கூடலூர் நுகர்வோர் மனித வள சுற்றுச்சுழல் பாதுகாப்பு மையம்

ஞாயிறு, 28 செப்டம்பர், 2014

Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission
No 19A, Rukmini Lakshmipathy Salai, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008. 
Phone:044-28411376, Website:http://www.tnerc.tn.nic.in/
Public Notice 
1. The Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Ltd. (TANGEDCO) had last 
year filed its application before the Commission for final true-up and approval of 
Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) for the year 2010-11, provisional true-up and 
approval of ARR for the year 2011-12, Annual Performance Review (APR) for the year 
2012-13 based on estimates and its Multi Year Tariff petition for 2013-14 to 2015-16 
along with tariff revision for 2013-14. Based on this petition and after considering views 
of the State Advisory Committee, the public and other stakeholders, Tamil Nadu 
Electricity Regulatory Commission had passed the Order in which the Aggregate 
Revenue Requirement for the 2nd Control Period i.e. 2013-14 to 2015-16 was determined 
and revenue gap and tariff determination for 2013-14 was carried out. 
2. As per provisions of Section 64 of the Electricity Act 2003, it is incumbent upon the 
Licensee to make an application to the State Regulatory Commission for determination of 
tariff in such manner as may be determined by Regulations framed by the Commission. 
Regulation 5 of the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and 
Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 lays down that licensee is 
required to file tariff application on or before 30th November each year, with the 
Commission. Accordingly TANGEDCO was expected to file a petition for the final true 
up and approval of ARR for 2011-12, provisional true up for 2012-13, APR for 2013-14 
and ARR and Tariff petition for 2014-15 by 30th November 2013. However TANGEDCO 
failed to file the petition before the said deadline. 
3. Hon’ble APTEL vide it’s judgement dated 11th November, 2011 in the matter OP No. 1 
of 2011, has directed the State Commissions that 
“In the event of delay in filing of the ARR, truing-up and Annual Performance Review, 
one month beyond the scheduled date of submission of the petition, the State Commission 
must initiate suo-motu proceedings for tariff determination in accordance with Section 64 
of the Act read with clause 8.1 (7) of the Tariff Policy.” 
4. TNERC Tariff Regulations 2005 under Regulation 6 stipulates that 
“(8) In case the licensee does not initiate tariff filings in time, the Commission shall 
initiate tariff determination and regulatory scrutiny on suo motu basis.”
5. Considering the directives of the Hon’ble APTEL, the National Tariff Policy and in 
exercise of the powers vested in it under the Section 62 and Section 64 of the Electricity 
Act, 2003 (Act) and the Tariff Regulations 2005, TNERC has decided to take up the 
matter of Determination of ARR and Tariff for 2014-15 by initiating suo-motu 
proceedings. 2 
6. As per Financial Restructuring Plan (FRP) requirement, the tariff is to be revised every 
year covering the ARR. Under such circumstances TNERC has decided to proceed with 
the suo-motu determination of ARR and Tariff for FY 2014-15 on the basis of 
information available from TANGEDCO’s submissions to the Commission. With the 
available information with the Commission, the following decisions have been taken by 
the Commission: 
a. The 2011-12 and 2012-13 expenses will be provisionally trued up based on the 
audited accounts. 
b. The APR for 2013-14 and ARR for FY 2014-15 will be taken up based on 
available information and audited accounts for FY 2011-12 and 2012-13. 
c. The revenue gap and regulatory asset determined will be provisional in nature and 
will be trued-up in the next year. 
7. Hence, notice is hereby given to all that TNERC now has decided to proceed on suo-motu 
basis on the provisional true up for 2011-12 and 2012-13, APR for 2013-14 and ARR and 
Tariff determination for 2014-15. 
8. Based on the information available, Commission has provisionally determined Aggregate 
Revenue Requirement of Rs.39,818 Cr and total revenue of Rs. 32,964Cr at existing tariff 
(revenue from sales and Non Tariff Income) for 2014-15. Componentwise details of the 
ARR and revenue at existing tariff for FY 2014-15 are as below and the Commission has 
arrived at a revenue gap of Rs.6854 Crores for FY 2014-15. 
Table 1: Componentwise ARR and determination of revenue gap for 2014-15 - in Rs. Crore 
Particulars Approved in June 
2013 Tariff Order 
Provisionally Determined 
by the Commission 
Expenses in respect of Generation 8,851 12,687 
Power Purchase Cost 17,949 17,946 
Annual Transmission Charges payable to 
TANTRANSCO 2,850 2,259 
Operation and Maintenance Expenses 4,068 4,304 
Depreciation 435 661 
Interest on Long term loan 1,740 1,956 
Other Debits & extra ordinary items 26 6 
Reasonable Return / Return on Equity 0 - 
Interest on Working Capital 0 - 
Gross Aggregate Revenue requirement 35,918 39,818 
Revenue from sale of power (including 32,238 3 
Particulars Approved in June 
2013 Tariff Order 
Provisionally Determined 
by the Commission 
NTI and Other Income 1,021 726 
Total Revenue 32,964 
Revenue Gap 6,854 
Considering the above revenue gap of Rs. 6,854 Cr, Commission proposes to bridge this gap 
through tariff hike across all consumer categories. The following table summarizes the 
incremental revenue and the revised gap for FY 2014-15. The proposed tariff schedule for FY 
2014-15 is appended as Annexure I. 
Table 2: Revised revenue gap after tariff revision for FY 2014-15 - in Rs. Crore 
Particulars Provisionally Determined 
by the Commission 
Gross Aggregate Revenue requirement 39,818
Less: Other income and Non-Tariff Income 726 
Net Revenue Requirement 39,092
Revenue from Tariffs including subsidy (at existing tariff) 32,238 
Revenue Gap (at existing tariff) 6,854 
Incremental revenue through tariff revision 6,805 
Revised Revenue Gap (at revised tariff) 49 
9. The summary of the ARR for 2014-15 is available on the website of the Commission 
www.tnerc.tn.nic.in. Any person who intends to file objections / suggestions on the 
above ARR determination, may file so with the Secretary, Tamil Nadu Electricity 
Regulatory Commission (TNERC), 19-A, Rukmini Lakshmipathy Salai, Egmore, 
Chennai 600 008 in person or through post so as to reach by 23-10-2014.
10. The objections/suggestions should be filed with the Hon’ble Commission in three copies 
and should carry full name and postal address of the person sending the objection. If the 
objections/suggestions are filed on behalf of an organisation / association / category of 
consumers etc., it should be so mentioned. The person intending to file 
objections/suggestions should also mention if they want to be heard in person. TNERC, 
after perusing the objections/suggestions received to this notice may invite such persons / 
organisations as it considers appropriate for the public hearing on the dates to be notified 
by the Commission. 
 Tamil Nadu Electricity 
 Regulatory Commission Demand 
(Rs / kVA / 
(Ps / Unit) (Rs / kVA / 
(Ps / Unit)
1 Industries I A 300 550 350 722
2 Railway Traction I B 250 550 300 722
3 Govt. and Govt. aided educational 
II A 300 450 350 722
4 Private educational institutions and hostels 
run by them
II B 300 550 350 722
5 Commercial III 300 700 350 805
6 Lift Irrigation (*) IV 0 350 0 722
7 Temporary Supply V 300 950 350 1100
(*) Tariff charges are to be borne by the Government of Tamil Nadu as per the existing policy
Sl.No Category Tariff EXISTING TARIFFFixed 
Energy Charges Fixed Charges Energy 
(Rs / bi 
(Ps / Unit) (Rs / bi monhtly) (Ps / Unit)
1 Domestic /Residential I A
0-100 units bi monthly
0-200 units bi monthly 20 280 30 325
0-200 units bi monthly 300 350
201-500 units bi monthly 400 460
0-200 units bi monthly 300 350
201-500 units bi monthly 400 460
501 and above bi monthly 575 660
Huts (Till Installation of Energy Meters) (*) I B
Huts (On Installation of Energy Meters) (*) 0 430 0 495
3 Bulk supply I C 100 400 120 460
4 Public Lighting and Water Supply II A 0 550 120/Kw 635
5 Govt. and Govt. aided Educational Institutions II B (1) 100 /kW 500 120/Kw 575
6 Private educational Institutions II B (2) 100 /kW 650 120/Kw 750
Places of Pub. Worship II C
Upto 120 units bi-monthly 500 575
above 120 units bi-monthly 500 575
Cottage and Tiny Industries III A (1)
0-500 units bi monthly 350 400
501 units and above bi monthly 400 460
Power Looms III A (2)
0 to 250 units per month or 0 to 500 units 
bimonthly (*) 100/kW 450 120/kW 520
0 to 250 units per month or 0 to 500 units 
bimonthly (*) 450 520
251 to 500 units per month or 501-1000 units bi 
monthly 500
501 to 750 units per month or 1001-1500 units bi 
monthly 500
From 751 units and above per month or 1501 
units and above bi monthly 500
 Industries III B
(for all units) 60 /kW 550 70/kW 722
11 Agriculture (Till Installation of Energy Meters) 
Agriculture (On installation of Energy Meters) 
(*) 0 280 0 322
Commercial V
For consumer with consumption 50 units per 
month or 100 units bimonthly 430 495
(*) Tariff charges are to be borne by the Government of Tamil Nadu as per the existing policy
per month 1050 Rs.345/kW /per 
Rs 2500 / HP / Annum
(borne by the Govt fully as 
(i) Consumers who consume upto 250 units per month (or) 500 units for two months
(to be borne by the Govt
fully as subsidy)
For consumers with consumption above 50 units 140/kW
per month or above 100 units bimonthly (for all 
20 260
120 /kW
100/kW 120/kW
Sl.No Category Tariff
Consumption upto 50 units monthly or 100 units bi-monthly
Consumption of 251 units and above per month (or) 501 units and above for two months 
Consumption from 51 units to 100 units per month or 101 unitsto 200 units for two months
Consumption of 101 units to 250 units per month (or) 201 units to 500 units for two months
30 300
100 / kW 120/kW
(to be borne by Govt fully as 
30 / kW
Rs.250/Service /bi-monthly
(borne by the Govt fully as 
(ii) For consumers who consume 251 units and above per month (or) 501 units and above 
for two months
Temporary supply for temporary activities, 
construction of buildings and lavish 

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