- Green tea extract
- Health information about green tea.
- Tea mini-FAQ, part 1 and part 2.
- A mini-FAQ from the newsgroup rec.food.drink.tea. Not to be confused with the MiniFAQ mentioned above...
- Chinese Tea Ceremony
- A article in Urban Desires.
- A Nice Cup of Tea by George Orwell
- George Orwell explains his ideas of how to make a cup of tea.
- Miss Manners on the subject Commerce, Suited to Tea
- Miss Manners explains her ideas of how to make a cup of tea. Are they really incompatible with Orwells?
- Dieter's tea
- Doesn't sell tea, but contains some information about the effects of dieting on tea.
- Teapot Shop !!!
- Fine China Teapots, Steel Kettles, Teapot Accessories, Designer Teapots, and much more.
- Tips for Breaking the Caffeine Habit
- This page doesn't apply to those of you who likes drinking tea or coffee of course!
- Coffee and Ceffeine's Frequently Asked Questions
- "This FAQ is dedicated to all beverages and products that contain caffeine; including tea, coffee, chocolate, mate, caffeinated soft drinks, caffeinated pills, coffee beans, etc."
- Tea ceremony
- "So, you want to be a ceremonial tea master..."
- Tea, ISO standard cup of
- Standards are good. Everyone should have one.
- TEA - A Magazine
- A new, bimonthly magazine all about tea, both as a drink and for its cultural significance in art, music, literature, history, and society.
- The art of tea drinking
- An article on chinese teaculture.
Web Sites
- Tea MiniFAQ by Richard Rush
- "To the Websurfers in the group I have compiled this MiniFaq of Web sites for tea. Most are associated with coffee companies with a few stand-alone tea vendors. Most allow you to order from their web page or give instructions to order."
- Tea vendor list by Judith Newton
- "This is a compilation of tea info. (vendors and books) based on contributions from rec.food.drink.TEA! members. [...]" - here is a mirror in Denmark.
- The Tea Page by Birger Nielsen
- A danish web-site with lists of vendors, books, ... and a history of tea.
- Junglesque Coffees & Teas
- Rare estate coffees and teas. Coffee and tea is our passion.
- The way of tea
- A nice-looking, informative, and swedish (!) teapage.
- Tea
- What would the world do without tea? How did it exist?
- Lipton Home Page
- Lipton Green Tea Blends
- Lipton Soothing Moments Flavored Tea Collection
- முகப்பு
- நுகர்வோர் சட்டம்
- environment
- awarness programme photos
- மக்கள் ஆலோசனை மையம்
- கண் தானம்
- consumer links
- கூடலூர் நுகர்வோர் மனித வள சுற்றுச்சூழல் பாதுகாப்பு மையம்
- cchep nilgiris
- ► 2010 (197) வலைப்பதிவு இடுகைத் தலைப்புகள் visit http://cchepeye.blogspot.in
- ▼ 2011 (184) ▼ January ► December
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ஞாயிறு, 6 அக்டோபர், 2013
Tea links @ Web Sites
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